Supporting You & Your Practice
Supporting You & Your Practice
Division members access a wide array of free supports and resources designed to help you optimize workflow, improve your work-life balance, and strengthen patient care.
Building Your Patient Panel
Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners are provided with support for patient attachment and panel building via Richmond Primary Care Networks through two programs: the Richmond Health Connect Registry and the Richmond Attachment Program (RAP). If you have questions related to panel building or to the Richmond Patient Attachment program, please email the Attachment Program team (seen here, right).
The Richmond Attachment Program (RAP) connects patients who are especially vulnerable and who have urgent needs for longitudinal care (such as new mothers and babies, newcomers, and complex care or MHSU patients), and matches them to Division members who have the capacity to accept new patients. RAP referrals are received from VCH Public Health, VCH Home and Community Care, Richmond Hospital, and other Divisions of Family Practice. Contact us for more information.
The Richmond Attachment Program Team
Nurse Practitioners
The Richmond Health Connect Registry allows patients to request a family physician or nurse practitioner.
Health Connect Registry (HCR) Information for Your Patients
Download resources from HealthLink BC for unattached patients, with information about how to register with the Richmond Health Connect Registry. Press-ready artwork is available if you would like rack cards or posters printed for your clinic at a local print shop.
Rack Card (Digital)
DOWNLOAD: For your clinic website or as an email attachment. Contact us for support.
Poster (Digital)
DOWNLOAD: For your clinic website or as an email attachment. Contact us for support.
Rack Card (Press-Ready)
DOWNLOAD: Have cards printed at a print shop for your clinic. Contact us for support.
POSTER (Press-Ready)
DOWNLOAD: Have posters printed at a print shop for your clinic. Contact us for support.
CME + Professional Events
The Division hosts many educational, networking, and engagement events throughout the year for member Physicians and their teams. We also partner with the City of Richmond and other community partners to support events and outreach for the public.
- Physician networking events
- Clinical Pearls learning events (connecting Specialists with Family Physicians)
- PCN Connections events (connecting PCN allied health professionals with Family Physicians)
- Member, new member, and MOA social events
- Physician and MOA Appreciation Drop-in Weeks
- Annual General Meetings & Knowledge Lounge events
- Long Term Care Initiative events
- Technology support and innovation events
- Events for Preceptors and Locums
- Physician and MOA wellness events
Physician Wellness
Physician health and wellness is of utmost importance to the Richmond Division, and we encourage members to take advantage of these resources that are available to you. Watch our event listings for other physician wellness training throughout the year. Please get in touch with our Executive Director if you need more support.
Physician Health Program (PHP)
Call the Physician Health Program 24/7 helpline for confidential, personalized assistance with issues such as mental health, relationship stress, career and life transitions, substance use, and concern for colleagues. The PHP supports practicing and retired physicians, residents, medical students, and family members.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Groups
The BC Physician Health Program and Mind Space Skills for Wellbeing (formerly CBT Skills Groups Society) offer an eight-week course designed to provide British Columbia’s physicians with education and training to support their own mental wellbeing through evidence-based self-management strategies. Secondary benefits include increased awareness of CBT and its clinical applications, and training in skills coaching for patients.
Mindfulness in Medicine
Learn about mindfulness as an important tool for physicians who are facing high-stress situations, or who are feeling worn out.
Human Resources
The Richmond Division supports member physician clinics to recruit family physicians, nurse practitioners, IMGs, MOAs, clinic staff, and other health professionals. You’ll find helpful resources and hiring quicklinks here. Current job postings, essential information, support and resources, and settlement services are available on our Richmond Health Care Jobs website. This portal is under development and new sections are being added in phases.
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If your Richmond clinic is interested in welcoming Primary Care Network (PCN) family physicians (FPs) or nurse practitioners (NPs), contact us for recruitment support. We publish member clinic job openings on our recruitment website free of charge, and work closely with Vancouver Coastal Health to provide you with excellent qualified candidates.
Please visit our recruitment website for information about becoming a PCN Host Clinic, and about hiring PCN FPs and NPs.
Hiring Primary Care Network (PCN) FPs/NPs
If your Richmond clinic is interested in welcoming Primary Care Network (PCN) Family Physicians (FPs) or Nurse Practitioners (NPs), contact us for recruitment support. We publish member clinic job openings on our recruitment website free of charge, and work closely with Vancouver Coastal Health to provide you with excellent qualified candidates.
Please visit our recruitment website for information about your clinic’s role in the recruitment process, becoming a PCN Host Clinic, and about hiring PCN FPs and NPs.
Hiring Family Physicians
If your Richmond clinic is interested in welcoming more Family Physicians to its team, contact us for recruitment support. We publish member clinic job openings on our recruitment website free of charge, and work closely with Vancouver Coastal Health, UBC Medical School, and regional IMG programs to provide you with excellent qualified candidates. We will also guide you and your clinic in the many ways you can support the recruitment process.
HealthMatch BC and the Family Practice Services Committee also produce these comprehensive resources to support your search:
- HealthMatch BC Physician Recruitment Process
- FPSC Recruitment + Retention Toolkit
- Family Physician Agreement Templates
Hiring Nurse Practitioners
If your Richmond clinic is interested in welcoming a Nurse Practitioner to its team, contact us for recruitment support. We publish member clinic job openings on our recruitment website free of charge, and work closely with Vancouver Coastal Health to provide you with excellent qualified candidates.
Hiring Locums
If your Richmond clinic is interested in welcoming a Locum Physician to its team, contact us for recruitment support. We publish member clinic job openings on our recruitment website free of charge, and work closely with Vancouver Coastal Health, UBC Medical School, and regional IMG programs to provide you with excellent qualified candidates.
HealthMatch BC and the Family Practice Services Committee also produce these comprehensive resources to support your search:
Hiring International Medical Graduates
If your Richmond clinic is interested in welcoming International Medical Graduates to its team, contact us for recruitment support. We publish member clinic job openings on our recruitment website free of charge, and work closely with Vancouver Coastal Health, UBC Medical School, and regional IMG programs to provide you with excellent qualified candidates. We will also guide you, and your clinic, in the many ways you can support the recruitment process.
HealthMatch BC and the Family Practice Services Committee also produce these comprehensive resources to support your search:
Hiring Medical Office Assistants (MOAs)
If your Richmond clinic is interested in welcoming a new MOA to its team, contact us for recruitment support. We provide recruitment support for office coverage and new staff and connect you with qualified candidates. We also provide templates and resources for onboarding, workplace health, performance, and more.
Note: Our recruitment website is currently in development and new sections are being added in phases, including member clinic MOA job openings free of charge.
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Medical Assistance in Dying Resources (MAiD)
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) is a process whereby a Family Physician or Nurse Practitioner helps a patient who voluntarily and intentionally requests to end their life. As of June, 2016 MAiD is now legal in Canada and is governed under federal law. The following toolkit provides links to resources and forms for Family Physicians and their patients.
The Canadian MAiD Curriculum (CMC) is the first nationally accredited, bilingual program designed to support the practice of MAiD in Canada.
This fall, the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP) is offering 24 free CMC sessions and has launched a new events webpage. These sessions are open to licensed physicians and nurse practitioners. Don’t miss this chance to deepen your knowledge of MAiD. CAMAP also offers additional resources, networking, and educational opportunities to further support your understanding.
- Visit the CMC events webpage HERE
Mental Health & Substance Use Resources for Patients
Members have told us that effective tools are essential for patients to manage their mental wellbeing. We encourage you to explore these resources and to recommend them to your patients.
Technology Support
Contact the Richmond Division Technology Coordinator for support with practice technology, or request an appointment to assess your needs.
The Richmond Division provides member physicians and their clinic staff with dedicated support to integrate a wide range of technology solutions into your practice:
- Basics: networks, servers, email domains, devices, security, collaborative tools
- Provincial Foundations: CareConnect, Pathways, PRIME, PharmaNet, UpToDate, Excelleris, LifeLabs report delivery
- Business Solutions: website, EMR, eFax, telemedicine apps, VOIP, dictation, billing software, panel management services
- Primary Care Network: PCN Services Referral eForm
- Patient Technology: online booking, patient notification, patient messaging system, portals
- Transformative Technology: AI, remote monitoring
Language Interpretation Services
In order to support you in caring for patients from diverse backgrounds, the Provincial Health Services Authority offers interpretation services in more than 200 languages. View instructions. Visit the member login section or email us to obtain your access code.
Retirement Options
As a senior physician, perhaps you are starting to think about the later stages of your career. You may be interested in exploring various alternatives to full retirement. Your years of experience supporting patient health in Richmond will continue to be invaluable, and there are many roles that will allow you to impact health system evolution, to exercise your leadership abilities, to influence physician recruitment, and more. Contact us to talk about options to design your future:
- Exploring Part-time Options
- Providing Cross-Coverage
- Working as a Locum
- Supporting a Walk-in-Clinic
- Taking on Leadership Roles
- Becoming a Physician Ambassador
- Joining the Division Board
- Closing Your Practice [Doctors of BC resources]
FPSC Practice Support Program
The Practice Support Program (PSP) is an initiative of the Family Practice Services Committee (FPSC), which is a joint partnership between Doctors of BC and the BC Ministry of Health. The PSP promotes practice optimization, capacity building and efficiency, which allows practitioners to focus on clinical care and patient relationships.
- Coaching and Mentoring
- EMR Optimization
- Learning Opportunities
- Panel Management
- Virtual Care Support Network
- Patient Experience Tool
- PMH Assessment
- Compensation and Certification